"When using hand-painted yarns, buy more yarn than you think you will need. Dye lots rarely match. If you need to work with different dye lots, alternate yarn from two different skeins / dye lots every two rows. Don't be afraid to mix yarns from different companies. Many complement each other very well. If you are worried about striping, try slip-stitch pattern stitches. Texture of any kind tends to break up stacking of colors. By working side to side or cuff to cuff, any striping runs vertically and improves the line of your garment". Original source Leslie Taylor & Diane McKay, Mountain Colors Yarn
August 2009 Tips & Ideas
Do you enjoy making hats for "Caps For Kids" or similar charity knitting / crocheting? If you use small balls of "stash" yarn for stripes or slip stitch patterns, decide the order in which you wish to place the colors, then "skewer" them onto a spare knitting needle to keep them in the order you want. Simply slip off the next color when ready and keep working away... from Betty Lapp; KnitNet 7/15/09
If you are working on a garter stitch project and have a problem keeping track of the right and wrong sides, use two different colors or types of knitting needles. Use one of each color / type. Color one is the right side and color two is the wrong side... from Pauline Angione; KnitNet 7/15/09
When selecting a yarn for knitting lace, avoid firm, tightly spun yarn (like certain sock yarns). Choose mohair, silk, alpaca, or merino wool with a looser twist for a delicate appearance for openwork projects liks shawls and scarves... fom Shanta Moitra
If you are modifying a pattern, write down your changes. You may decide later to duplicate the same garment. If you do not write it down, you will not remember what you did. Laurel Highlands Knitting Guild
For an easy bobble, work K1, P1, K1, P1, K1 into one stitch on the right side (public side) of your work, then purl these 5 stitches together on the wrong side of the work. Ann E. Smith, designer
October 2009 tips & ideas
Marylou B recently e-mailed: "My pattern states to slip one stitch at the beginning of every row for an edge stitch. I'm confused. Do I slip to knit or slip to purl?" When a pattern direction states "slip one knitwise", it means "as if to knit", and "slip one purlwise" means "as if to purl". Slip knitwise only if you are working decreases (slip, slip, knit decrease, etc.) or are instructed to "slip knitwise". Otherwise, slip purlwise. In your case, always slip as if to purl. On a related matter, if you are not sure whether to slip a stitch with yarn in front (wyif) or with yarn in back (wyib), always slip yarn on wrong side of work unless instructed otherwise. Thanks for asking!
Even if your gauge swatch is correct, continue to measure and re-check your gauge