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soak     a new scented way to wash delicate items

soak™ has arrived on the scene as a fresh, hip alternative for a new generation of knitters - and people who care about their clothes (well known knitters includes: Julia Roberts, Madonna, Dakota Fanning Tracey Ullman and Sarah Jessica Parker to name but a few). Always available in three delicate fragrances and packaged in eye-catching bottles, soak is definitely not your grandmother's wool wash. The three fragrances (a customer called it "wearable aromatherapy") have been specially formulated to appeal to young, style-savvy consumers. Flora is a spring garden fragrance that makes "you stop and smell the fibers." Aquae is a "purely elemental" scent that's like a breath of fresh sea air. And Citrus has the delicious smell of "fresh-squeezed clean." 

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Mini Soaks  (travel size)
.3+ ounces
$1.95 each US plus shipping
Item #A15AMS
Item #A15CMS
Item #A15FMS

contain 2 plus watches per packet
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aquae scent

flora scent

citrus scent

Starter Kit
Three  4 ounce bottles (one of each scent)
to sample all three scents
$29.00 US plus shipping
Item #A15SK

contain 24 plus washes per bottle

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Full Size Bottle
14 ounces
$16.00 US plus shipping
available in
Item #A15FSBA
Item #A15FSBC
Item #A15FSBF

contains 80 plus washes

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