Kathy's Kreations

Did you ever wonder what different knitting terms and abbreviations mean?  Here is a list of some of the terms and abbreviations used in knitting. 
If you think of others, please let me know. e-mail  kathyknitz@gmail.com

AC = Alternate Color
alt = alternate
altog = altogether
approx. = approximately
B = bobble
B = Back of stitch
b = in back of stitch
BC = Back Cross
beg M = beginning marker
bet = between
BO = Body Gauge
bl = block (solid mesh)
BO = bind off
bo = bobble
bo = binding off
but = buttonhole
cab = cable
cc = contrasting color
CC = Contrasting Color
ch = chain
cl = cluster
cont = continue
cms = centimeters
CN = Cable Needle
CO = cast on
co = casting off
col = color
Con = contrasting color
cont = continue
Cr = Cross
Cr L = Cross to the Left
Cr R = Cross to the Right
dbl dec = Double Decrease
dble = double
dec = decrease
diag = diagonal
diam = diameter
dir = directions
dk = dark
DK = double knitting
dpn = double-pointed needle
E = every
EOR = Every Other Row
ext = exterior
FC = Front Cross
fasten off = to end off.
fin = finished
foll =following
fr = front side (facing knitter)
g = grams
G = Gauge
g-st = garter stitch
GN = Gauge Needle
gp = group
gr = grams
GS = Gauge Stitch
inc = increase
incl = including
incl = inclusive
in(s) = inch(es)
inst = instructions
k = knit
kbl = knit from back of loop
kfb = knit from back of next stitch
kpk = knit, purl, knit

click here for terms and abbreviations continued

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