AC = Alternate Color alt = alternate altog = altogether approx. = approximately B = bobble B = Back of stitch b = in back of stitch BC = Back Cross beg M = beginning marker bet = between BO = Body Gauge bl = block (solid mesh) BO = bind off bo = bobble bo = binding off but = buttonhole cab = cable cc = contrasting color CC = Contrasting Color ch = chain cl = cluster cont = continue cms = centimeters CN = Cable Needle CO = cast on co = casting off col = color Con = contrasting color cont = continue Cr = Cross Cr L = Cross to the Left Cr R = Cross to the Right dbl dec = Double Decrease dble = double dec = decrease diag = diagonal diam = diameter dir = directions dk = dark DK = double knitting dpn = double-pointed needle E = every EOR = Every Other Row ext = exterior FC = Front Cross fasten off = to end off. fin = finished foll =following fr = front side (facing knitter) g = grams G = Gauge g-st = garter stitch GN = Gauge Needle gp = group gr = grams GS = Gauge Stitch inc = increase incl = including incl = inclusive in(s) = inch(es) inst = instructions k = knit kbl = knit from back of loop kfb = knit from back of next stitch kpk = knit, purl, knit